Tuesday, May 30, 2006

The wee hours of the morning.

I have just deposited the first review assignment for LIS 2000 in the Digital Drop Box. While reading Kuhn, I felt left behind by his numerous science examples. Before Kuhn, I didn't know who Lavoisier was. And there are names I still can't really identify.

I get the same feeling reading the discussion board comments and other blogs. I have no library experience. How can I accurately discuss the following topic:

Historically, librarians have served as custodians of recorded knowledge and gatekeepers to information resources. To what extent has the rise of networked information services begun to change the roles that librarians play? What other factors, if any, are contributing to changes in the roles of librarians?

I really don't know the answers to those questions. I'm looking forward to reading other students' responses so that I can learn.

There's so much to do. I just hope I can retain it all.

Good night.

1 comment:

Amy Menon said...

Hi Katie -- I read your Saturday post and to comment ...Before I decided to become a librarian I volunteered at my local library to gain some "experience", even it was shelving books, tattletaping, etc. I also took that opportunity to ask questions regarding the field and how some librarians got their jobs or where to study, etc. I found out that most of them didn't end up where they wanted to be and wore "many hats" over the years. Check out the ALA website to get an idea as to what you might need to land that "dream job". Better yet, become a member so that you can receive magazines, etc. that would offer you a broad perspective regarding this field. It's a reality check. If there is a field you're interested in, check out what they're looking for, so that you can focus on gaining relevant skills towards that dream job. PS-I'm not a librarian nor am I working in a library today. I'm learning by reading other people's post, too. Good luck! -- Amy