Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Identity Revealed

Heidelberg University library in Germany has announced that the identity of the Mona Lisa has been confirmed. According to marginalia in a book owned by Agostino Vespuccui, a friend of da Vinci, the subject of the portrait is Lisa Gherardini, the wife of Florentine merchant Franceso del Giocondo.

The article from Spiegel Online can be found here.


Burntdisk said...

Still think it was some Lady of the Evening that he frequented...

How much damage did you do to the car when you introduced it to the telephone pole?

Burntdisk said...

Oh, and more importantly, how much damage to yerself?

Katie said...

No damage to myself, but $3,000 worth to the car. Mostly the bumper, wheel well, headlight, windshield washer fluid reservoir.

And who's to say she didn't have a night job doing just that?

Burntdisk said...

Ouch. Glad yer okay, though.

Probably did, but I still think they're looking a little too far up in the social echelon, knowing da Vinci...

Mark said...

That's about 3 times more than my car is worth (and about 6,000 times more than Mona would've made in a night). Glad you're ok.

Katie said...

I don't know. If Mona was really the wife of a merchant she could probably command a decent wage.

Burntdisk said...

What they don't mention is that what her husband was selling was her...