Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Moving Stacks

Suggested viewing from one of my profs:

Saturday, August 25, 2007

I am now a librarian!

I have finally become a real librarian. How is that, you ask? I have finally been asked the question which has been plaguing members of our profession for years:

Where is the bathroom?

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Arts and Crafts

I am not paying lots of money to get a Master of Library and Information Science so that I can spend my day cutting out letters so I can climb a ladder and tape them to the wall of the student lounge.

This is getting ridiculous.

Of course, I got a compliment from my boss. I guess I did a good job.


Wednesday, August 22, 2007


I love this quotation:

I am inclined to think, sir, that perhaps the two most valuable and satisfactory characteristic products of American civilization are the librarian, on the one hand, and the cocktail on the other. I will not attempt, sir, the delicate question of deciding which is best, but I am given to understand that some of us have sampled both and found them equally satisfactory and equally stimulating.

—Croydon (England) Public Librarian L. Stanley Jast, responding on behalf of overseas visitors to a welcoming address by Louisiana Purchase Exposition President David Francis, at the first session of ALA Annual Conference, Oct. 17, 1904, held at the St. Louis World's Fair.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Night Activities

For those of you who can escape city lights, the Perseid meteor shower will peak late Sunday night.

Monday, August 06, 2007


"We are no longer going to be part of the security forces; we are going to be part of the community."
~Nicholas Parker, lieutenant general in the British army, on its withdrawal from Northern Ireland after a 38-year mission.


Libraries in Space?

NASA's newest Mars lander is bringing a "library" to Mars. If you ask me, it's less of a library and more of a special collection.

It's also using antiquated technology. If we can't read it, why are we expecting Martians of the future to be able to read it?

Wednesday, August 01, 2007