Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Party alternative?

Since I had no one to take me for a drink when I concluded my coursework, I spent my time in a productive manner: surfing the web.

And what did I find? A study of the nature of bubbles in Guinness. No. This was not done by graduate students with too much time on their hands. These men are "professional scientists" with real degrees from real schools.

Why don't librarians spend more time studying alcohol?

Let's start a club!


Stefanie said...

Uhhhhh I'm in!

Burntdisk said...

I thought we handled it decently well.

Megan said...

One could say I've been on independent study for some time now haha

Katie said...

Bill, we have handled it decently well. But I believe this to be an instance when "completion not perfection" is improper! There's always room for improvement!

Burntdisk said...

I'll bring my license this time. I can see it now- stumbling across Pittsburgh, tripping over those Ottoman size pigeons- good times.

Just another Sample said...

I think you people need to study more, and drink less. Or should that be drink more and study less?