Tuesday, September 26, 2006


I've been catching up on the nearly 500 DB postings. I would just like to say that I am tired of hearing about California! Obviously it is Eden. It is the magical world of the perfect library. We should all move to Silicon Valley and hang out with the tech savvy library patrons.

Come on. Let's all move. NOW!


Megan said...

I have to admit lots of California is pretty rad.


But I'll tell you what California has that I don't want: LA!

Burntdisk said...

Frankly, I've been waiting for the promised earthquake so Arizona becomes beach front property. Then the Californians can try saving the whales firsthand.

Mark said...

Do you all think it would be too soon for me to unveil my plan to target the homeless in a crass attempt to boost public library gate counts (it's basically just "keepaway" . . . but at a library entrance . . . and with a flask of vodka).

Stefanie said...

Vodka? I'll be at the library gates for free booze.

Katie said...

Mark, sounds like a plan to me!

Katie said...

Megan, beautiful photos. I think my favorite is oregonskymoon.

Burntdisk said...

Does it include baseball bats and a lighter?

Mark said...

I thought that was more of a NYC thing. Besides, broken knees are bad for gate counts.

Just another Sample said...

Up Pennsylvania, down California!

BTW, 14-24 year old shouldn't be excepted in society, and should be locked away until they're 24.1