Friday, June 09, 2006

Double Fold

This book is so much easier than Kuhn. I have about one hundred pages to go, and I don't really see where he's going. Obviously, Baker wants libraries to stop destroying original materials. His method of argument seems to be telling horror stories of things that have been destroyed and the conspiracy that destroys them. The book definitely reads like a conspiracy theory book. I'm just waiting for Baker to bring in the Book Depository and the grassy knoll.

But what's his point? So far, there isn't a solution to the problem except not destroying materials and buying/building/renting more shelf space. That's not really a solution. It may be what's needed, but he hasn't yet explained how to make it work or how to change the destroy to preserve mindset he describes.

Maybe the last hundred pages will clear it all up. I hope so.

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