Wednesday, July 05, 2006


This article is about the push for "simple spelling." Much of the article utilizes it to demonstrate the idea.

I find it simply horrifying! I don't claim to be a great speller. Sometimes, I'm downright terrible. But I cannot see how changing to simple spelling can improve anything. Not only is it confusing to people used to the current system, but it will also cause confusion with Canadians, Australians, and the British (yes, they spell things differently, but the differences are minimal). Furthermore, much of our current system is based on the old roots from which our language is derived. Meanings can be determined by the roots, prefixes, and suffixes. The nature of our spelling demonstrates the rich background of our language.

One of the arguments for the simpler system is that it's easier for children to learn to spell. Maybe the schools should resurrect phonics. I hated that class when I was in school, but it really is helpful.

This just seems like another example of the dumbing-down of America.

How unfortunate.

1 comment:

Lola said...

I read that article today too! Completely horrifying. More spoon feeding and dumbing down. Sigh.