Monday, July 24, 2006

Writer's block?

I am an English major. I edited my college's literary journal. I love words and books.

I cannot get enough words for the paper on the making of the book that catalogs ALL the words in the English language.

Something must be wrong with me.

Oh well. Whoever reads my review will get finished early. That has to be worth a few extra points, right?


Burntdisk said...

Who needs to comment? It's the freakin' OED

Just another Sample said...

I don't know about you, but after I finished reading "The meaning of everything" I went and read A-K of the OED.

Megan said...

I just found out that on my work computer I can access the entire OED website for free. Sweet.

Katie said...

Megan, we have access through PittCat too.

Megan said...

Darn I thought I was special haha